A Few of Our Favorite Things

Here is the rest of our answers to "What is your favorite Christmas thing in this store?"

We agreed to allow Judy to chose a collection - the Christopher Radko ornament collection. One hung on a holder is beautiful, or several hung on your tree is just breath-taking! These are hand-made and the artistry on each is exquisite!

Gayle (Kari's daughter) also got to answer and chose these hanging santas because "they just feel so soft and remind me of my cat, Roxie." There are three sizes $11.95, $15.95, and $19.95. Purrrfect!

Kari answered quickly with SNOW. This is cool stuff and she has been playing with it every chance she gets. This tiny little container ($12.95) of Snow-to-Go contains enough powder that when water is added makes 3 gallons of snow. Seriously, the powder just keeps expanding. And, it lasts for weeks! We used it in glass vases and just added a few stems to make beautiful centerpieces. Kari wants to dump a whole bunch in the bathtub, you know, just for fun. And just a footnote, we had a mom buy a container to send to her son in Iraq. We found that very heartwarming.

A Few of Our Favorite Things

This question was asked - "What is your favorite Christmas thing in this store?" So, we all answered and we all answered differently. Some of us couldn't decided on just one thing! Here is what WOWS each of us this year:

Rhonda loves Christmas lights. She believes that they should be everywhere! So, this was really no surprise to us that she chose these really awesome battery operated mini lights. The lights are on a copper wire and can be tucked anywhere to add sparkle. They come in red, gold, and green and sell for $7.95 a strand. Good choice, Rhonda!

Sheri was one that couldn't limit herself to just one item, so she was allowed two! First are these bells. They come in three different sizes ($12.95, $15.95, and $24.95). We all agree these are fun. They look great hanging or sitting. Next, S
heri chose these cloth bags which have this cute rickrack and holds greens. They are just adorable hanging from the front door or from a cupboard. Each bag sells for $21.95.

Betty answered the honkin' big pinecones. They are real, right from the honkin' big trees. Each pinecone is $3.95. She also pointed out that she likes the honkin' big antique dough bowls that they are displayed in.
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