All American Summer

Yeah! Summertime! Home Sweet Home can help you with your entertaining and decorating needs for a good all-american look. We have tabletop ideas, dishes, linens, and also products made in the USA like our door stars and yard flags made from recycled hurricane debris. Take notice of the really awesome handcrafted wooden flag (shown above the bed). We are well supplied to celebrate summer and our country!

Thursday Evenings

Home Sweet Home, and some of the other shops in St. Ansgar, are now open on Thursdays until 7:00 p.m. This is a picture of what goes on downtown during those evening hours .... live entertainment! There is music and fun! The farmer's market is also open until 5:30 on Thursdays where you can always find something good - baked goods, canned goods, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Stop in and see us!

27th Birthday Party and Sale

Home Sweet Home's 27th Birthday Party and Sale starts tomorrow (Wednesday) and continues through Sunday! The party and sale hours are listed on the events page. We have lots of good stuff that we want you to see and it is all 20% off during this special event! Put on your party hats and help us celebrate - we will serve the cake and lemonade! We look forward to seeing you and appreciate your business and friendships over the years.
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